After we load program to the microcontroller complete then release its from socket and then install into target circuit (example: robot circuit) that already prepared. However if loaded program is not working properly , so we must release microcontroller and re-load program again into programmer. And so continuous until our robot circuit working properly.
Process insert-release this chip microcontroller sure will need long time and thereby will also take time for process development our robot circuit.
For save time when process development robot circuit based microcontroller PIC16F84 so we can using a development board so-called Micro-3 computer. With using this device we unnecessary again process insert-release microcontroller.
At Micro-3 computer board there has been programmer circuit for microcontroller PIC16F84. Just only connect to computer via serial port. For programming can be done by arrange DIP switch to “PROGRAM” mode. After load program to microcontroller finished so arrange again DIP switch to “RUN” mode.
Thereby where board for programmer microcontroller and board for target circuit integrated into a board so the Micro-3 programmer have been very useful device.
For making Development board Micro-3 programmer is very easy, we only need some component that available in market such as resistor10K / 4K7 ,IC 7805, DIP switch, Socket IC and several connector.
The circuit Micro-3 programmer

And after programming process have been finished then DIP switch must be turnback to “RUN” mode on position : DIP SW1 OFF, DIP SW2 ON, DIP SW3 OFF, DIP SW4 OFF, DIP SW5 ON, DIP SW6 ON. In this case occasion microcontroller isolated from circuit programmer and connected to target circuit and target circuit will working in the same manner as input program .
How to use of Micro-3 Programmer
Micro-3 is a Development Board / Programmer to learn and use the microcontroller PIC16F84.
Using the Development Board, this will shorten the learning time and at the same PIC16F84 microcontroller can be used for real purposes.
Micro-3 is using a microcontroller-based PIC16F84 Flash memory that allows the process to erase and write 1000 times. You can program and delete much.
Therefore, the circuit based with this can be upgraded in software someday. Your
Using the Development Board, this will shorten the learning time and at the same PIC16F84 microcontroller can be used for real purposes.
Micro-3 is using a microcontroller-based PIC16F84 Flash memory that allows the process to erase and write 1000 times. You can program and delete much.
Therefore, the circuit based with this can be upgraded in software someday. Your
investment will remain safe. For example is you create a device-based Micro-3 , but appeared later performance demands (eg to deal with some additional sensors again) then it may be possible given the nature PIC16F84
re programmable. You can just customize the program to the performance
re programmable. You can just customize the program to the performance
demands of today.
Micro-3 has a specification as follows.
. Dimension: 9.5 cm x 5 cm
. Processor: PIC16x84
. Operating frequency: 4 MHz
. Number of I / O: 13
. Working voltage : +9 volt ~ +12 volt
. Interface : Serial (COM port)
. OS : Win 98/SE, Win 2000, Win XP
. Port available : Port A = RA0..RA4
Port B = RB0..RB7
(all port can used)
. Power supply:
a. Program: +13 VDC ~ +14 VDC
(No more !!!).
b. Run: +9 VDC ~ +12 VDC
. Relations with PC: Serial port
Micro-3 has a specification as follows.
. Dimension: 9.5 cm x 5 cm
. Processor: PIC16x84
. Operating frequency: 4 MHz
. Number of I / O: 13
. Working voltage : +9 volt ~ +12 volt
. Interface : Serial (COM port)
. OS : Win 98/SE, Win 2000, Win XP
. Port available : Port A = RA0..RA4
Port B = RB0..RB7
(all port can used)
. Power supply:
a. Program: +13 VDC ~ +14 VDC
(No more !!!).
b. Run: +9 VDC ~ +12 VDC
. Relations with PC: Serial port
By the time you already made a Micro-3 , you can not directly use these tools. This is because in a state mikrokontrolernya not programmed. Therefore should be done for microcontroller programming process with the program to your liking.
The steps as follows:
1. The first open the program PICPROG (freeware) on your computer to transfer the contents of the program to Micro-3 computer. If you do not have PICPROG (freeware) you can download here.
2. Klik icon "Open" and then select the hex extension file (*. hex) where the file is actually a compilation using MPASM or other compilers (eg MicroPascal for PIC).
The steps as follows:
1. The first open the program PICPROG (freeware) on your computer to transfer the contents of the program to Micro-3 computer. If you do not have PICPROG (freeware) you can download here.

4. Select oscillator on "XT" by clicking the radio buttons on the XT
5. Select marking on the "Power-up Timer" and others leave it blank.
Program mode
Mode is programmed microcontroller / download programs from a PC via cable
given and connect with the serial Port.
Switch 1 ON
Switch 2 OFF
Switch 3 ON
Switch 4 ON
Switch 5 OFF
Switch 6 OFF
Since the Micro-3 came in the condition not been programmed, so setting DIP switches in accordance with the Program mode. After all the above done, then the Micro-3 has been prepared to be programmed.
To ensure that the Micro-3 can be used may have been done using
following the pilot program. Write the following program in a text editor
(notepad, etc. Q Edit).
; Experiment Program for Micro-3
; File name: tesmicro.asm
processor 16f84
org 0x00
movlw 0xaa
Save a file with a name:
After that did compile programs using MPASM.
Find tesmicro.asm file through Browse button and then press the Assemble button will appear which indicates the process there are no mistakes.

After that open software programmers (picprog) and enter the tesmicro.hex file.
Do not forget to install the program voltage of +13 VDC ~ +14 VDC.
6. After that click the "Program" so that the download process will soon take place.
After a successful programming process the contents of the microcontroller PIC16F84 can be viewed using button "Read " / glasses symbol.
The results must be obtained is the value of 30AA. While other data is 3FFF. This indicates that the programmer has to function properly

Switch 1 OFF
Switch 2 ON
Switch 3 OFF
Switch 4 OFF
Switch 5 ON
Switch 2 ON
Switch 3 OFF
Switch 4 OFF
Switch 5 ON
9. Once we are sure that the Micro-3 works well, then now is the time you make your own program in accordance with the desired performance.
Power Supply
Already explained above that when the programming voltage required for +13 VDC ~ +14 VDC.
As for the mode "Run" can use the voltage +9 V ~ +12 VDC.

This is because the Micro-3 has found a tool that regulate the voltage input to 5 volt voltage.
You can also use a 5 Volt voltage, but you must give to pin microcontroller that prescribed.
Arrangement of pins I / O
Micro-3 has 3 pen I / O are arranged in 2 rows. The composition of the I / O is as follows.
The structure is as follows:
RA1 RA0 CLK1 GND CLK2 +5 V +12 V GND Rb5 RB4
RA1 RA0 CLK1 GND CLK2 +5 V +12 V GND Rb5 RB4
RAx = Port A
RBx = Port B
RST = Reset
GND = Ground
Pin CLKx = Clock
+12 V = on this pen is available voltage
+12 V (+9 to +12 V or V depending on input voltage).
+5 V = on this pen is available voltage
+ 5V (regardless of input voltage).
RAx = Port A
RBx = Port B
RST = Reset
GND = Ground
Pin CLKx = Clock
+12 V = on this pen is available voltage
+12 V (+9 to +12 V or V depending on input voltage).
+5 V = on this pen is available voltage
+ 5V (regardless of input voltage).
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