Experience shows that to make a SSB filter This is the most profitable is to configure Lattice Filter. With this configuration seems to be very easy to achieve a flat top on the pass band, and both have a slope of near symetris, so easy to use to filter the USB and LSB. In this project used two types of crystals each with a frequency X1 = X2 = 5.26665 and 5.26865 MHz.
Note that it has 2 crystal 2 KHz difference. LC components in parallel resonant frequency is set to 5.26765 to form near the top flat. Condensator C1 and C2 expected that the band pass filter becomes wider.

In this project C2 = 10 pf and R1 = R2 = 2.2k. LC1 set Resonant in the middle order bandpass peaks Bandpass near average. L Koker wound on ferrite core 6 mm as many as 45 wrap while C1 = 50 pf. There are several terms for this SSB filter,:
a. Band pass as shown symetris called filters, left and right slopes of the same
b. Boundary slope with flat line is notch filter. In image point X1 is X2 notch below being called top notch.
c. If the carrier frequency in the notch below ditepatkan there will be a SSB USB and vice versa if matched carrier frequency of the notch that will there is SSB LSB d. Thus to change from LSB to the USB is denganmengganti carrier frequency without having to replace filter.
This is one advantage of the filter that symetris.
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